Copyright © 2024 by Alpine Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. | 200801039961 (841310-K)
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SQL E-Stock

SQL Stock Take app is for SQL Account users. Stock takers can sync items from SQL Account and perform stock taking or price checking through this app. Both desktop SQL Account and stock take app will synchronize within a local network.
SQL E-Stock
SQL E-Stock
SQL E-Stock   SQL E-Stock

Key Features

Perform Stock Take
Perform Stock Take
Add Stock to Picking List
Add Stock to Picking List
Check Stock Price
Check Stock Price
Sync stock take list / picking list to SQL Account
Sync stock take list / picking list to SQL Account
Copyright © 2024 by Alpine Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. | 200801039961 (841310-K)
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