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E Time Attendance
E Leave
E Claim


  • Clock in/out with geofence technology
  • Track own attendance, overtime pay rate
  • Multiple work schedule
  • Flexible Overtime Policy
  • Multiple shift work schedules
  • On-site clock in for travellers with site photos


  • Overview of Team Attendance
  • Track late in, early out, absent, and out of office employees
  • Receive notification for employees leaving workplace during working hours
  • Customizable overtime rules (by clock time / by tier rate)
  • Set up flexi lunch hour and Flexi allowances

How SQL E Time Attendance Works?


Employee Dashboard

  • Easy leave apply & status checking
  • Leave entitled & leave balance
  • Unlimited years salary records
  • Detailed payslip info
  • Multiple years EA forms

Manager Dashboard

  • Approval & Notification
  • Daily employees leave summary
  • View all leave application at one glance in calendar mode
  • Apply leave on-behalf
  • Multiple shift work schedules
  • Leave application status

Leave Approval Assigned By Managers

Assign the range of responsibility for each manager to only approve leaves for employees of a certain branch or department. For example, the manager for the finance department can only view and approve leaves made by the employees under that department.

How SQL E Leave Works?


Employee Dashboard

  • Easy claim submission in mobile app
  • Upload image file as proof of claim
  • View claim status progress tracking
  • View categorized monthly & annual claim history
  • View summarized Pending & Approved claim applications

Manager Dashboard

  • Manager approval
  • Graphical display of 6 months claim analysis by employees
  • View current month claims
  • Get overlimit claims info
  • Individually approved or bullk approve claim application

Submit And Upload Image For Employee Claims

With SQL HRMS app, your employees can submit their monthly claims along with proof of their claims at any given time. You can control the monthly and annual claim limit for the staff by configuring the claim limit in SQL Payroll. This configuration only needs to be done once. These claims will be displayed in the employee’s month end payslip.

Ready to Integrate with SQL Payroll

Just click Sync Cloud and you will be able to link all leaves that have been applied through the app into your SQL Payroll Software. If a manager hasn’t approved the application, you can approve it on the software too.

How SQL E Claim / HRMS App Works?


Features Of SQL E Leave / HRMS App

Easy Setup & Configuration
Configuration & sync your HRMS app with the SQL Payroll software easily. Once that is done, just login into SQL HRMS app by using your email and start submitting your leave applications.
Apply & Approve Leaves Anytime Anywhere
You no longer need to personally submit your leave applications in the HR’s Office. If you need to take an emergency leave, login into your app and submit an application. The manager will be notified and will be able to approve the leave immediately.
Fast & Reliable Support
Nationwide support is provided for all E Leave, E Claim and E Time Attendance users. Technical support is provided over the phone, emails, and remote access.
Copyright © 2024 by Alpine Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. | 200801039961 (841310-K)
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